ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP, as the co-organizers, are pleased to invite you to the WSIS Forum 2023, which ITU will host. The WSIS Forum is scheduled to be held from 13 to 17 March 2023 at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG) in Geneva, and remotely, under the theme of WSIS Action Lines for building back better and accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. Virtual sessions will continue in April and May 2023. Register now for on-site or remote participation. We look forward to welcoming you to the WSIS Forum 2023. | The WSIS Forum is organized with the engagement of other United Nations Agencies, including FAO, ILO, ITC, UNDESA, UNEP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNITAR, UNODC, UPU, UN Women, UN Tech Bank for LDCs, UNU, WFP, WHO, WIPO, WMO and UN Regional Commissions. | The format, agenda, and thematic focus of the Forum are the result of an open consultation process with the involvement of all WSIS stakeholders. The Forum will build upon two tracks, the High-Level Track, consisting of policy statements, interactive high-level dialogues, a WSIS Prize ceremony, a ministerial round table, and the Forum Track, which will offer participants a series of WSIS Action Line facilitation meetings, country workshops, thematic workshops, training sessions, special tracks on various thematic areas, knowledge cafés, a Hackathon as well as an exhibition addressing issues that are critical to WSIS implementation and follow-up in a multistakeholder setting. The complete agenda is now available online. | Key features of this year's Forum include: - WSIS Forum 2023 Chairperson: H.E. Dr Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Minister of Digital Transformation, Republic of Slovenia
- 1000+ Physical participants at the Forum, 150+ countries represented, including 100+ Ministers/Deputies, Presidents/Heads of Regulatory Authorities, Ambassadors, Mayors, 30+ Minister and Deputies other than ICT and 500+ high-level representatives.
- High-level track, including 11 High-Level Policy Sessions, Mayors' high-level presentations, Ambassadors roundtable discussion, Ministerial Roundtable, session with Parliamentarians, and High-Level Dialogues.
- Forum track, including 250+ sessions, including open space talks, thematic workshops, WSIS Action Line Facilitation Meetings, knowledge cafes, country workshop and high-level sessions – see the interactive agenda, highlighting the linkages between the WSIS Action Lines and SDGs.
- UN Process related multistakeholder discussions: WSIS+20 Review and WSIS Beyond 2025, Global Digital Compact, SDG Day, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and others
- New format for side-events and engagements of on-site participants
- 18 WSIS prize winners awarded and 72 WSIS champions recognized.
- 5 winners of the WSIS Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize.
- 4 WSIS Forum 2023 Hackathon winners: Digital GovHack: Advancing the Digital Economy by Leveraging Emerging Technologies
- 1 winner, 5 finalists WSIS Digital Service Design Prize 2023
- 30+ exhibitions spaces showcasing ICTs for sustainable development.
- Daily video highlights, interviews and outcomes will be available online.
- Yoga: wellbeing and mindfulness sessions with professional instructors
- Social Events
|  | To facilitate networking, participants are encouraged to join the WSIS Forum 2023 Event on LinkedIn to help you meet other registered participants and start conversations. | WSIS Forum 2023 is made possible through the generous support of its strategic partners. | This email was intended for The WSIS Flash provides updates on the WSIS Implementation Process, related news, projects, and activities. You have received this newsletter as part of your engagement with the WSIS Process. | | | World Summit on the Information Society, International Telecommunication Union, Place des Nations, Geneva 1211, Switzerland | | | | |